The Perfect App Developer

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Developer is amongst the world’s most searched profiles, credit goes to the platform. Having a new app idea in mind the next logical step is to find a good developer according to your specific needs. There are several professional developers in the market but how would you know, which one will work just right for you? Here are some tips to find the perfect developer for the app of your dreams.
1. Get the word out effectively – When you are ready with your application idea & need a developer to develop it, get the word out effectively. Look for great channels to bring in the best talent. Channels like social media (LinkedIn, Facebook etc.), personal contact, and freelancers across the web etc. Give an effectively explained profile description & your office/inbox will be flooded with developer profiles.
2. Run a Background check – It is certain that you are not going to hire the first developer you met. You should keep on searching for the man of your need, the more you search the clearer you get about your planning of the app. Once you receive some good profiles, run a background check on each of them by knowing their social activities (social media). You will get to know about their past work & working style. This will make it easier to choose from a long list.
3. Know how much the Developer Knows – It is not necessary to be a developer to find one for your project. You just have to have basic knowledge. You can just have him/her interviewed to test his knowledge in technical & software designing aspects. This is an important step to follow.
4. Prefer Experienced to Fresher - If you are serious about your app idea and really want to make it count than its necessary that you select an experienced developer as there will be lower chances of mistakes and he/she will understand your needs more efficiently. This will save you from miscommunication and unprofessionalism.
5. Search the Social Platforms – By this, I mean you can go to forums where developers always comment & discuss on app development issues. You can keep an eye on talented developers here and ask for their profiles to choose appropriate candidates.
6. Can She/he Solve problems – This is a fact that you need a problem solver, as app development is a job that requires patience with problem solving skills. Keep this skill in mind while interviewing them.
7. Is he/she a good listener – Of course you need to be a good communicator but the next thing you need to check in the skill sets of a developer is to know how well he/she understands your requirement. They should be able to figure out the complexities and their solutions aroused in the app’s planning process.
8. Check the Freelancers available Online – This can be either a good decision or a bad one. Although, freelancers nowadays are considered more busy than full timers and have successfully completed great projects but still there is a slight risk to it. You can find an experienced developer & ask for sample work and then communicate in general to know more about his/her previous work.
9. Keep Check on Updates – This is not for you it is for the developer you want to hire. Find out if the developer of your choice keeps an eye on security, hardware, new features, design guidelines etc. 
10. Patience is the Key - This one’s for you. The level of patience you practice while searching for a developer will pay you after you find one. Have patience in finding the right candidate or be prepared to fix many problems amidst app development.