Free HTML Admin Templates For The Backend Of Your Apps

Almost every application or dynamic website requires a backend to manage it.
These admin screens come bundled with ready-to-use apps (like WordPress, Magento, etc.) but custom apps need custom backends.
It is usually considered as a simple process to create an admin template but, most of the time, this requires a lot of effort as there are lots of things (usually related to usability) to think of.
Designers/developers out there have created various free admin templates and here they are so you don't need to search:

Charisma Admin Template (demo)

Charisma Admin Template
Charisma is a responsive admin template that is built with Twitter Bootstrap.
It has 9 skins and includes almost everything we may need like forms, charts, buttons, tables, file manager, image gallery and much more.
Here is also the GitHub link for the template in case you want to fork it.

INADMIN – jQuery Admin Template (demo)

jQuery Admin Template - INADMIN
INADMIN is a jQuery-powered admin template with header + top navigation and styles for tables, forms, messages and more.
It also includes a nice sign-in page.

Blue Nile Admin Template (demo)

Blue Nile Admin Template
A Twitter Bootstrap-powered and responsive admin template which features many necessary stuff like the navigation, tables, forms, sign-in/sign-up, error pages and more.
The free license requires a link back to the developer's website.

Admin Panel Template

Admin Panel Template
A single-page template with navigation in the header + sidebar and styles for info/error messages.
It can be a good starting point for creating your own template.

Web App Theme (demo)

Web App Theme
It is a nice admin template which covers all the basics like tables, forms, navigation, lists, messages and sign in/up pages.รง
Also, it has lots of skins to choose from.

HTML5 Admin Template by MediaLoot (demo)

HTML5 Admin Template
A single-page template with styles for charts, tables, messages, forms and typography.
P.S. The free download requires a link back.

Spring-Time Admin Template (demo)

Spring-Time Admin Template
Spring-Time is a very simple-yet-clean template that has a good-looking navigation and sidebar.
It features a datagrid and sample form.

BlueWhale Admin Template (demo)

BlueWhale Admin Template
BlueWhale is built with of 960 Grid Framework and uses jQuery + jQuery UI.
It has sample pages for a dashboard, forms, tables, typography, charts, image galleries and notifications.

Free Admin Template (demo)

Free Admin Template
This free admin template was created by me years ago for a project.
It is a simple, single-page template with navigation and table for displaying data.
Also, A WRD reader has converted it to HTML5-CSS3 and that version is offered in the download pack too.

HTML5 Admin Template (demo)

HTML5 Admin Template
The template uses HTML5 tags where possible and consists of various elements that are used in backends.

Gray Admin Template(demo)

Gray Admin Template

A simple admin template (colored in gray) that comes with styles for navigation, grid, table, buttons, modal boxes and forms.
It may require customizations and improvements to handle a full-featured backend.

Steal My Admin Template (demo)

Steal My Admin Template
This admin template provides a dashboard with multiple columns.

It also has a data-grid (table) and a sample form page.