JOIN WEALTH DONATION - Earn $48,000 in few weeks with just 0.001BTC

Wealth donation is a direct online member to member donation platform. 0.001BTC

MAKE $48,000 in few weeks

Click to register. Be financially free. 

WEALTH DONATION  is an online direct member to member donation platform available worldwide. Our members will get attractive packages in their back office with each upgrade.  100% of your referrals upgrades go directly to your bitcoin wallet.

Click to register. Be financially free. 

WEALTH DONATION  does not keep any funds or fees for the services we provide nor do we collect any payments since everything is automated and performed by the members every time they upgrade and send their bitcoin payments to their upline.
All transactions are exclusively between members with Bitcoin as the form of payment and each transaction is backed by a unique identifier called hash ID.

Our compensation plan works on a very small 2x4 matrix structure. Each member has a downline and upline. The first two people diretly referred or fall into your matrix via your upline (from spillover) are your first downline.
Their upgrade to Stage 1 is donated directly to your Bitcoin Wallet.
You are free to upgrade your packages at any time, you do not have to wait until you collect all payments from your downline.

Click to register. Be financially free. 

In fact we encourage members to upgrade ahead of time so that you don't miss any donations from your downlines.
If your downline upgrades ahead of you, their donation will skip you and go to your upline.
That is why it is important to keep track of your upgrades and your downline's progress and make sure you are always ahead of them.

Click to register. Be financially free. 

SERVICE TO MANKIND is Wealth Donation commitment by bringing all the people under one platform without any differences in regions, gender, class, color and region.

Click to register. Be financially free. 

We use only BITCOIN in Wealth Donation for all transactions. All participants in Wealth Donation provide help or get help each other by sending or receiving funds on their own Bitcoin address directly. This helps us to keep all transactions very transparent and will be free from frauds. Also by using Bitcoin we can save lot of processing fees. We request everyone to have your own Bitcoin account to get the benefits of the program.